Saturday, July 3, 2010

Splendid Mansions

» Splendid Mansions

In contrast to the Portuguese and Dutch there are many British relics found in the town. Until the artificial harbour was built round the Colombo roadstead in the 1870's, Galle was Ceylon's chief port of call, and many were the hotels at this time. Today only two have survived, the New Oriental Hotel in the Fort and Closenburg overlooking the harbour.

In 1873 a second entrance to the Fort, now used more as the Main Gate, was opened between the Moon and Sun Bastions. Gibbet is the name given to one of the small islands across the bay and is today a part of the fisheries harbour, the dry docks and an inlet, where sailing yachts berth.

Nothing bespeaks the town's prosperity in British times as the splendid mansions - with the names Closenburg, Eddystone, Barthfield, Armitage Hilt or Nooit-Gedacht- a few of which, though wrought with time's changes, still exist. The best preserved is Closenburg, the gracious and spacious bungalow built by the agent of the British shipping company, P & O: its roof trusses still display the P & O sunburst. Armitage Hill bungalow occupied a site rustically lovely out of Galle town.


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