Saturday, July 3, 2010

Buddhist Island

» Buddhist Island

The drive to BADDEGAMA is a delightful experience and leads out to the fine church consecrated in 1825, by Bishop Heber - Bishop of Calcutta. The church today is decorated in a purely indigenous style and at mass the Ceylon Liturgy is said in Sinhalese, sung to Sinhalese music. The fine pillars of the nave, each a single piece of ironwood timber, should be noted and the view from the tower is worth the climb.

Drive back through DODANDUWA, visiting, if permission can be arranged, the Buddhist island hermitage in the Ratgama Lake, a retreat of infinite peace and beauty. Other drives worth taking from Galle are to the excellent seabathing spot at Watering Point where a rill of fresh water, once used by mariners, runs down to the beach. There is a magnificent view of Galle, of its bays and inlets, seen from the summit of this drive.


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